JCI accreditation is viewed as the gold standard in the global health care community. A health care organization that has met JCI’s exacting standards can proudly display the Gold Seal of Approval® as a sign of this distinctive accomplishment. So, when you are looking for a world-class health care organization, look for the JCI Gold Seal.
JCI accreditation is viewed as the gold standard in the global health care community. A health care organization that has met JCI’s exacting standards can proudly display the Gold Seal of Approval® as a sign of this distinctive accomplishment. So, when you are looking for a world-class health care organization, look for the JCI Gold Seal.
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العلاج الطبيعي وإعادة التأهيل
الطبيب الجراح: عثمان تشقار
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متخصة امراض النساء والتوليد
الطبيب المختص: راحات بيك توغولبايف
العلاج الطبيعي وإعادة التأهيل
الطبيب الأستاذ: يلماز أرغون
الداخلية - أمراض الجهاز الهضمي
Algomed Hastanesi, etik değerlerden ödün vermeden hastalarının haklarını gözeten, ihtiyaç, istek ve beklentilerini karşılayan, ulaşılabilir, kesintisiz ve güvenilir sağlık hizmetini çağdaş standartlarda sunan bir kuruluştur.
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