JCI accreditation is viewed as the gold standard in the global health care community. A health care organization that has met JCI’s exacting standards can proudly display the Gold Seal of Approval® as a sign of this distinctive accomplishment. So, when you are looking for a world-class health care organization, look for the JCI Gold Seal.
JCI accreditation is viewed as the gold standard in the global health care community. A health care organization that has met JCI’s exacting standards can proudly display the Gold Seal of Approval® as a sign of this distinctive accomplishment. So, when you are looking for a world-class health care organization, look for the JCI Gold Seal.
الطبيب الجراح: أوزغور كاياسيلاوك
متخصة امراض النساء والتوليد
  • أمراض النساء والتوليد
المؤهل الأكاديمي
  • التخرج من كلية الطب بجامعة تشوكوروفا
  • جامعة كوكوروفا كلية الطب
خبرة العمل
  • مستشفى الجوميد الخاص (حاليا)
  • مستشفى المترو الخاص (حالياً بدوام جزئي)
  • مشفى التوليد أضنة
اللغات الأجنبية
  • الإنجليزية
  • شهادات الجمعية الطبية التركية
Algomed Hastanesi, etik değerlerden ödün vermeden hastalarının haklarını gözeten, ihtiyaç, istek ve beklentilerini karşılayan, ulaşılabilir, kesintisiz ve güvenilir sağlık hizmetini çağdaş standartlarda sunan bir kuruluştur.
خدمات عبر الانترنت